[Island 2]


[Island 4]

The New Freedom

[Wizened Temple Documents | 1996]

“You are adrift. You sit in your cubicle, and when you die, they will put your body in a box and dispose of it in the cold ground. And in all the million ages to come, you will never breathe, or laugh, or twitch again. So come. Come all ye hateful, all ye burdened, all that wish not to play among the teeming mass of humanity. The universe has spared you this moment. Come in from the spectral rain.” --Dr. Alasdair “Sandy” Templeton.

There is psychedelia here. And ample opportunity to love, or to be alone. We offer you Freedom. Freedom to worship Freedom. Freedom from all psychic impulse, Freedom from all false gods. Freedom from your cries of dissent, as the murky waters carry you from port to port, pleasure to pleasure. Freedom from your whims.

Freedom to pare away a life that brings you intermittent sorrow, among endless boredom.

This is your Island. Here is where you will become agriculturally adept. Here is where you will take up art. Here is where you will pray. You will take care of the world, and the world will take care of you… For, irregardless of your impotence, your evil, your sin… you will be forgiven, and you will have the Freedom to choose happiness.

We pray that you do.

Admission Fee: N/A | Location: Mount Nazareth. |